Our Story

About Our Company and Our People

Gadget Pedia, founded in 2005, believes in true and honest reviews that will help any consumer, savvy or not, make the right purchase. Our team of experts work around the clock researching 100s of products and services every month to ensure that you buy not just the correct product, but the best product and/or service. See our extensive “best of lists”, reviews, comparisons and much more!

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Who We Are

Each staff member is a specialist in a category. What does this mean? Competency to the utmost degree without any of the fluff. Looking for a new smartphone? No problem. Our smartphone writers are experts in the field, and cover everything from cheap budget phones, to smartphones including Apple’s iPhone and the wide assortment of android phones, such as the Samsung Galaxy Note 5. Need a new security system (and with that a piece of mind for your family)? We’ll tell you which Home Security System is best and why.

Our History

Gadget Pedia has been publishing content on the web for over 15 years. We started as a small blog to a publication that now sees over 1mm individuals like yourself every month. Our site has been featured and mentioned by thousands of media outlets, including Wired, Lifewire, Bloomberg, Forbes, Money, and many more.

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